
Power BI Model View Tabs

how-to Nov 10, 2023
Power BI Model View Tabs

Power BI's Model view is an essential feature that empowers users to design, shape, and optimize the data model that underlies their reports and dashboards.

In this blog post, I'll explain the Model view tabs in Power BI, exploring their functionality and how they can assist in data modeling and report development.

Understanding Model View Tabs

The Model view in Power BI consists of several tabs that provide different perspectives and tools for managing your data model:

  1. Diagram View: The default view in Model view, it displays tables and their relationships using a visual diagram. You can create and edit tables and relationships directly in this view. It's the central place for defining the structure of your data model.

  2. Data View: This tab provides a spreadsheet-like view of your data tables. You can add, edit, or delete data rows here. It's useful for data cleansing, adding calculated columns, or making direct changes to your dataset.

  3. Calculation Groups: This tab is used for creating calculation groups, which allow you to define reusable calculations and apply them to multiple measures or columns.

  4. Manage Roles: In this tab, you can define security roles and configure role-level security for your data model. This is essential for controlling which users can access specific data based on their roles.

  5. Manage External Data: If you're using Power Query to connect to external data sources, this tab allows you to view and edit your queries, ensuring data transformations and loading processes are set up correctly.

  6. Manage Relationships: This tab displays an overview of the relationships between tables in your data model. You can edit, create, or delete relationships as needed to ensure data integrity.

  7. AutoDate/Time: Power BI can automatically create date and time tables to support time-based calculations and filtering. This tab allows you to configure these options.

  8. Options: The Options tab provides settings and preferences related to Model view behavior and default settings for newly created tables.

Utilizing Model View Tabs for Effective Data Modeling

Here are some key ways to use the Model view tabs effectively for data modeling in Power BI:

  1. Design Tables and Relationships: Use the Diagram View to create tables and define relationships between them. This forms the foundation of your data model.

  2. Data Preparation: Switch to the Data View to clean and transform your data. You can add calculated columns, create measures, or make direct data changes in this view.

  3. Security and Role-Level Security: The Manage Roles tab is essential for implementing security measures to restrict data access based on user roles.

  4. Calculation Groups: If your report requires complex calculations, consider using the Calculation Groups tab to create and manage reusable calculations.

  5. External Data Source Management: Use the Manage External Data tab to review and edit your Power Query transformations, ensuring data from external sources is imported correctly.

  6. Relationship Management: The Manage Relationships tab allows you to maintain the integrity of your data model by defining, editing, or deleting relationships.

  7. Date and Time Handling: Configure date and time options in the AutoDate/Time tab to support date-based calculations and filtering.

  8. Customization and Defaults: Explore the Options tab to customize the behavior of Model view and set default table properties.


Power BI's Model view tabs are integral to effective data modeling, providing a comprehensive toolkit for creating, shaping, and optimizing your data model.

Whether you're designing tables, establishing relationships, implementing security measures, or managing data transformations, these tabs offer the functionality and flexibility you need to build robust and insightful Power BI reports and dashboards.

By mastering Model view, you can unlock the full potential of your data and deliver compelling data-driven solutions.


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