
Power BI: (Quick Measure) Show As Percentage

how-to Jan 30, 2024
Power BI: (Quick Measure) Show As Percentage
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Hi, I'm Tom Blessing. I'm an expert at helping small to mid-sized companies adopt Power BI. I'm also a recovering investment banker, with deep experience applying technology to otherwise manual data problems. I have dual degrees in Finance and Technology Management from Indiana University.

Resources to help build your fundamentals: Learning Power BI? Data fundamentals are critical for this process to be easier. I've assembled a few DataCamp courses to help. I earn a small commission if you click and purchase.

Introduction to Power BI course: Master Power BI basics and learn to build impactful reports.

Exploratory Data Analysis in Power BI course: Learn about Power BI's Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and enhance your reports.

Introduction to SQL course: Learn how to create and query relational databases using SQL in just two hours.

Introduction to DAX course: Learn the fundamentals of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) such as calculated columns, tables, and measures.

Database Design course: Learn to design databases in SQL to process, store, and organize data in a more efficient way.

Power BI helps you easily perform advanced calculations with ease, thanks to the Quick Measures feature.

Quick Measures allow you to create custom calculations, such as percentages, without having to write complex DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) code manually.

In this blog post, I'll explore how to create Quick Measures and display them as percentages in Power BI.

Understanding Quick Measures

Quick Measures are pre-built DAX formulas that simplify complex calculations for common scenarios.

Power BI provides a library of Quick Measures that users can apply to their data with a few clicks.

However, you can also create custom Quick Measures to address specific needs or display data in unique ways, such as percentages.

Creating a Quick Measure

Here's how to create a Quick Measure in Power BI:

  1. Select the field or measure to which you want to apply a Quick Measure. 

  2. In the "Table Tools" tab, click on "New Quick Measure." 

  3. The "Quick Measures" dialog box will appear, providing a list of available calculations.

  4. Scroll down to Mathematical Operations. 
  5. Click on 'Division'. 

  6. Drag the appropriate fields over to the Numerator and Denominator boxes. 

  7. Click Add. 

Displaying Quick Measures as Percentages

Once you've created your custom Quick Measure to calculate percentages, you can display it as a percentage in your Power BI visuals. Here's how:

  1. From the Report View, select the Quick Measure field you just created. 

  2. Click on 'Measure Tools' in the ribbon. 

  3. In the 'Formatting' Section, select Percentage from the Drop Down. 

  4. Verify that your Quick Measure is now showing a percentage. 

Benefits of Using Quick Measures for Percentages

  1. Time-Saving: Quick Measures allow you to create complex calculations quickly, saving you the effort of writing lengthy DAX expressions.

  2. Reusability: Once created, Quick Measures can be applied to multiple visuals and reports, ensuring consistency in your data representation.

  3. Interactivity: Displaying measures as percentages enhances the interactivity of your visuals, making it easier for users to understand and analyze data.

  4. Flexibility: You can easily switch between different data types, such as percentages, decimals, or currency, to suit your reporting needs.


Power BI's Quick Measures feature simplifies the process of creating calculations, including percentages, without the need for extensive DAX knowledge.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can create Quick Measures and display them as percentages in your Power BI visuals.

This not only saves you time but also improves the clarity and impact of your data presentations, enabling you to convey valuable insights to your audience effectively.


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