
How To Change The Power BI Mobile Background Color

how-to Oct 17, 2023
How To Change The Power BI Mobile Background Color

 Ever walked into a room and felt invigorated by its color?

In Power BI Mobile, your report's background color plays a similar role.

It sets the mood, enhances readability, and elevates the overall user experience.

Why Fuss Over Background Colors?

Before we jump into color, let's ask the 'why'.

The right background color can either make your visuals pop or recede into obscurity.

Especially on mobile, where screen real estate is prime.

Every hue matters!


Here's how you do it:

1. Begin in Power BI Desktop. 

2. Go to View Mode.

In the top ribbon, locate and select the 'View' tab. 

3. Painting the Canvas.

Under the 'Page background' section, you’ll find a color palette icon.

Clicking on it unveils a spectrum of colors, ready to be your backdrop.

Whether you're a fan of minimalist grays or bold blues, pick a shade that complements your data visuals.

4. Preview & Adjust.

With the color set, it’s crucial to switch to 'Mobile View' and see how it looks.

Colors may appear differently on mobile screens.

Adjust the hue, brightness, or transparency until you find that sweet spot.

5. Quick Tip for Cohesion.

Ensure your mobile report background color aligns with your brand or the theme of your desktop report. 

6. Final Touches.

With the background set, consider adding a border or drop shadow to your visuals.

It's these subtle enhancements that can make them stand out against the backdrop, especially on smaller mobile screens.

Final Thought.

In Power BI Mobile, background colors are more than just aesthetic choices; they're strategic decisions.

The right shade not only frames your data but also guides viewer attention, making sure your insights aren’t just seen but truly absorbed.

So, embrace the palette, play with shades, and craft a mobile report that’s not just informative but also a visual delight! 

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