Microsoft365 for Business

Here's How To Actually Merge Tables In Power BI

how-to Oct 17, 2023
Here's How To Actually Merge Tables In Power BI

 Picture two intriguing novels, each telling half a story.

Now, imagine merging them into one can't-put-the-book-down tale!

With Power BI, this narrative magic is achieved when we merge tables.

Ready to become a data storyteller?


The Power of Two Becoming One

Before we dive into the 'how,' let's appreciate the 'why.'

Merging tables allows for richer data analysis, enabling diverse datasets to come together, unveiling insights that were previously fragmented.

Let's get started:

1. Data Tables at the Ready.

Launch Power BI Desktop and ensure your two tables are loaded.

These are our two narratives, ready to be woven into one.

2. Enter Power Query.

Navigate to "Home" and select "Edit Queries."

This is where the data alchemy begins.

Welcome to the Power Query Editor!

3. Initiating the Merge.

With one table selected, venture to the 'Home' tab inside the Power Query Editor and click on the 'Merge Queries' dropdown.

Choose the 'Merge Queries' option.

This prompts you to select your second table.

4. Finding the Common Thread.

Every great story has a connecting thread.

For our tables, this thread is a common column that both share, perhaps an 'Order ID' or 'Product Code.'

This shared attribute acts as an anchor, ensuring our tables merge seamlessly.

5. Defining the Merge Type.

Just as there are different ways to tell a story, there are different types of merges:

  • Inner: Only matching rows from both tables are returned.
  • Left Outer: All rows from the first table and any matching rows from the second are returned.
  • Right Outer & Full Outer: Think of these as mirror images of the Left Outer, with variations in which table’s data is fully or partially retained. Choose the one that best suits your narrative needs.

6. Finalize and Load.

Once satisfied with the preview, hit 'OK.'

Apply the changes, and your merged table is now ready in Power BI Desktop, awaiting further analysis and visualization.

Closing Note: Merging tables in Power BI is akin to crafting a literary masterpiece.

It’s about taking separate stories and intertwining them into a cohesive, insightful narrative.

So, the next time you’re faced with fragmented datasets, remember: merging is your bridge to a holistic view.

Happy merging and even happier analyzing! 

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